“Where Next?” / The Year 2023 in Review

I’ve not been inclined to celebrate the arrival of a new year, not when Palestine continues to be under attack from Zionist Israel at the time of writing. Still, the past year has been so kind to me personally, and this yearly tradition is the only way I am able to make sense of how I could possibly deserve it.

In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty-Three, I —

Asked Via to be with me, only three days in. My life has brightened in every possible way from the moment I met her, that I couldn’t spend one more day not bound to her. Two weeks later, met her family and some of her closest friends on a road trip to Don Carlos, Bukidnon. Learned more about hospital operations and healthcare workers’ schedules than I ever imagined I would learn in my lifetime. Received an especially thorough education on bronchial asthma, combination statins, and tophaceous gout.

Celebrated my cousin Famke’s graduation from the K-12 educational system. My sister and I had been scrimping and saving to get her from one semester to the next, so I’d really like to take credit for this one. Learned to process hospital bills when my mother underwent a major surgical procedure. Lost two great-uncles within less than a month of each other.

Lost a friend I had known since sixth grade. Marked Myles Albasin‘s fifth year in detention.

Moved out of the apartment I’d been renting since 2020. Moved into a 15-minute city — or at least, as much of the concept as one can get out of downtown Cagayan de Oro. Hosted a number of sleepovers at the new place. Introduced Via, an actual licensed physician, to my stock knowledge of home remedies. On the other hand, needed antibiotics* on four separate occasions. Since last year’s bout with COVID-19, my immune system has just never been the same.

Went on my first day hike to Mintugsok Falls. Climbed my first mountain: Mt. Kiamo. Owned my first pair of trekking pants, my first trekking pole, my first boonie hat. Truly, to be loved is to be changed.

Stretched out my 28th birthday celebration to the entire July. Surrounded by all manner of loved ones all month long, it was one of the best parts of the whole year.

Got my very first tattoo, and it was hilarious to see my sister, a cousin, and my girlfriend all crowd around me at the tattoo parlor, phones out, documenting this milestone. Added three more tattoos in the months after.

Honed my Korean BBQ skills after a considerable number of practice sessions at Samgyupsalamat — and only time will tell if inflation will prevail over my pickled radish cravings. Overindulged during the Big Bite food festival in March, then later at the Brew Festival in September. Learned how to distinguish between varieties of coffee beans, and even learned to prepare pourover coffee by myself. The verdict: To nobody’s surprise, Via’s pourover tastes better.

Attempted to revive this blog by turning the monthly wrap-ups into quarterly ones — with abysmal results, as you will have seen. Found myself strong-armed into delivering a course on Global History at Xavier University, but alas, no sense of civic duty could offset the sheer absence of dignity in a teacher’s wages. I’m a decent instructor of the subject if I may say so myself, but given the economy, there will be no more teaching for me until further notice. Please feel free to call me out next time I stray anywhere remotely near that career path!

Skipped the annual practice of chopping my hair in the summer. Tried curtain bangs for what will not be the last time in this lifetime. Went out of town for a total of two weddings; Via and I took turns being each other’s plus-ones. Encountered the most delicious four-course wedding dinner I have ever had in my whole life, a culinary memory that the said plus-one and I will forever hold close to our hearts.

Rode an airplane for the first time since 2018, and for the first time since my father’s departure. Pulled off what I consider to be the greatest six-day itinerary covering the areas of the City of Manila, Quezon City, and Masungi Georeserve in Rizal province. For the first time in half a decade, it felt like I could finally start planning for my own future again. And even now, though I keep bracing myself for things to inevitably fall apart, for the most part I’m genuinely looking forward to where the wind will take me next.

At Intramuros — Day Drinking

Spent a grand total of PhP 520,195.49, my second-highest in the five years that I’ve been tracking this number. Watched 52 films for the first time, and re-watched 42. Had been a World Vision child sponsor for over six years.

Had 0 purple days, 0 blue days, 11 green days, 186 yellow days, 146 orange days, and 22 actual red days. That’s nearly a month’s worth of incredibly good days. Am I even worthy of this much happiness? Deep, deep, deep, deep down, my heart tells me I am.

[ * ] Antibiotics I Took This Year:

  • Co-amoxiclav, 625mg — 3x a day for 7 days
  • Azithromycin, 500mg — 1x a day for 3 days
  • Metronidazole, 500mg — 3x a day for 7 days

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